Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I have a girlfriend that Herpes Simplex 1. She used my lip gloss several times,and has a fever blister.?

what can I do to decrease the chance of transmission. I have no open sores in my mouth.I have a girlfriend that Herpes Simplex 1. She used my lip gloss several times,and has a fever blister.?
Use your common sense and don't use the lip gloss- just throw it away!I have a girlfriend that Herpes Simplex 1. She used my lip gloss several times,and has a fever blister.?

Throw your lip gloss away, buy a new one if you're particularly attached to it.

Buy a cold sore cream, all of them are over the counter now. Don't share your lip gloss or anything else with people. General hygiene is a must.

Hope this helps

Throw the lip gloss away immediately. It doesn't matter that you have no open sores in your mouth. Don't share lip products, drinks or food with her, ever. Even without lesions (between outbreaks), there's still a chance of transmission.
don't use it through it away and get a fresh one herpes simplex is a contagious virus it does not matter if you have open sores or not you will still get it if you use the same lip gloss or even kiss her share the same glass or anything like that
Dont use it, just through it away. If you use that lip gloss then the chance for you to contract herpes is about 90-100%. So keep yourself away for it.

For herepes medication visit
Stop using that lip gloss. Throw it out.

Buy some lip balm/ointment that prevents and cures mouth sores.

Tea Tree Oil and Vitamin E oil can help blisters and cold sores tremendously.

Hope I helped!
Well one thing you can do (if you already used it)

put alcohol (rubbing on your lips) twice

and wash it with soap

(arnt you a girl anyways, girl friend?)
People need to understand that diseases are spread because of sharing and unprotected sex. Use your mind and think and also why don't you ask your parents.
Just give her that gloss that she used.Let her keep it,and ask her not to share it with anyone.
Throw away your lip gloss.
tell the scabby cow to stop using your lip gloss gross!

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